Apartment Unit Gizo 11 Samajaya Kuching for SALE

Thomas Sim
E3009, Tel: 012 - 8866 090, I am active around Kuching, key focus area includes MJC Batu Kawa, 3rd Mile, Tabuan Jaya, BDC, Green Heights, Sarawak General Hospital. 5 Years of field experience.
Associate Agents & Specialists
Industrial Zone Investment
Thomas Sim
Property Details
RM445340 neg.
ADDRESS : Jalan Usaha Jaya
Samajaya Free Industrial Zone
(Muara Tabuan) next to Tabuan Tranquility
93350 Kuching
Number of Rooms : 2 Rooms
Number of Bathroom/Toilet : 2 B/T
Number of Car Parking : 1 Car
Apartment Unit Gizo 11 Samajaya Kuching for SALE
#3 Key Characteristics:
1. Situated next to Industrial Zone for work force.
2. Commercial land title – but no commercial use.
3. Moderate size of more than 1,000 sqf.
#2 IPI Scoring (by Admin): IPI-S 77.6 IPI-E 8.9
#1 Summary: Investment for Work Force Rental
Asking Price (RM): 445,340
Land Size (Square Meter): 0 *Price per Square Meter (RM/sqm) = 0 Or
Land Size (Point): *Price per Point (RM/point) = 0
Size (Square Feet): 1,093 *Price per Square Foot (RM/sqf) = 407
Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms/Toilets: 2
Car Parks: 1
Lift or Elevator: With Lift
Renovation: No Renovation
Swimming Pool: Small Swimming Pool
Exercise & Gym Facility: Small Gym
Security Level: Moderate Security
Facing: North/South
New or Old? = Brand New
Gizo 11, developed by Hevision Sdn Bhd, is a 13-storey Service Apartment situated at Jalan Usaha Jaya, next to Tabuan Tranquility – Samajaya Free Industrial Zone. It is next to Sama Jaya Apartment.
There are total 240 units over 12 levels (20 units per floor) with the ground as car parking. These floors are served with 3 lift-cars (1 lobby located at middle of building) and available resident car parks of 360 bays. Rental car parks are also available. Expected completion date = 2024.
This unit for SALE is at:
Size = 1,093 sqf
Free Items:
Aircon to all bedrooms + Living Room
Kitchen Lower Cabinet
Built-In Water Heater to all shower
Other available benefits can inquire from the below agent contact.
Interested, please get in touch with Thomas Sim PEA2066 of Affluence Properties E(3)1902 at 012 – 8866 090.
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